Traveling for God

by Larry Killion



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/10/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781462826490
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 188
ISBN : 9781436393850

About the Book

You may not feel called of the Lord to be a full time Missionary to some given field of service but it might be consistent with the will of the Lord for you to take a short trip at some given time and help a Missionary in some small way while your are there in the place where God has called him to serve. Every Missionary minded church should consider sending their Pastor for a visit to a mission field. It will do wonders for him. But you don’t have to be a God called preacher to get a blessing from visiting a Missionary your church supports on the Mission Field somewhere. You will never forget it if God should ever open the door for you to do something like this. Sometimes there are youth groups that go to a mission field on a short term for the purpose of helping with the construction of some building project on the mission field. Nothing could be more rewarding for the young people in your church if they could do a project like this. There are three parts to this book. First are the notes from a journal of an exploratory trip to spy out the land in Siberia for a possible Mission work. Second is the journal of a trip to the Philippines for the organization of two churches. Third is a description of the events around a possible trip to Ukraine and the establishment of a sound New Testament church there in that place but after much prayer, planning and preparation the door suddenly closed on this trip. Things like that happen too and it is always important to trust God to lead and direct in all activities of this kind. The important thing is to be willing to go if the Lord would let you and willing to stay on the other hand if that is His will on the matter.

About the Author

Elder Jim Turner, of The Lords Baptist Congregation in Tacoma Washington, began to work on an edition of the King James Version where the ecclesiastical terms “church” and “baptism” were properly translated “congregation” and “immersion.” Elder Mark Fenison, of Victory Baptist Congregation in Chehalis, Washington had the idea of “The Landmark New Testament” with footnotes designed to defend historic Baptist Church Truth. Elders Turner and Fenison worked together incorporating both ideas with contributions from Elder Larry Killion of The Lords Baptist Congregation in Tacoma, Washington, Elder Paul Stepp of The Indore Baptist Congregation in Indore, West Virginia, and Elder Jeff Short of the Charleston Baptist Congregation in Charleston, West Virginia. Elder Robert Myers of Harmony Baptist Congregation in Camden, Tennessee did much work with the Microsoft Word version and the portable document format (pdf ) along with many helpful insights, proof reading and corrections to typographical errors.