12 Little Poems

A series of iddy biddy ditties ...




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/08/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781465300478

About the Book

About the Author

Phillippa Ross is passionate about many things. She is a writer and now author. She is also a wife, a business woman and artist. But lastly and most importantly she is an extremely proud mother. Writing poetry of all kinds, she particularly enjoys subjects people identify with and the antics of her small children, most of which inspired this very special book. The book’s fi rst poem “Little Feet” is where it all started. A precious photograph of her son’s tiny feet inspired her to write about them. The idea snowballed from there and the rest is history as they say. Indeed, who would have thought a pair of “Little Feet” could inspire so much? Phillippa hopes by publishing her writing it will encourage parents to read to their children at an early age and to share the absolute gift of poetry with them. It may even inspire some “little authors” to write and perhaps continue to carry on the legacy of rhyming verse and other forms of literary theatre. Phillippa wishes to publish a second series of “little poems” very soon and sincerely thanks all those who read this little book of little experiences. Enjoy …