Retrogenesis 1

The Anomaly

by Robert Swann



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/03/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781456885281
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781456885274
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781456885267

About the Book

In the aftermath of catastrophic global fi nancial collapse, which all but destroyed even the most advanced countries, two scientists discover an anomaly which could, in the right hands, help save mankind but in the wrong hands destroy it. The scientists intend to build a new society, populated with carefully selected like minded specialists, offering them freedom and a completely new way of life. The enormous power of their discovery was uncovered by a brutal emergent Super Power and a megalomaniac renegade politician who, for personal reasons, wanted the invention for himself and would use any means to get it.

About the Author

Born and educated in the London borough of Hillingdon, I started my professional life as a student civil engineer in the Atomic Power Division of a major British Engineering Company. After three years in this environment, I decided that the constraints of formal engineering were not for me and opted for the more open arena of logistics, which, at that time, was virtually unexplored – except by the military establishments. Progressing through general management and directorships along my chosen path I ventured into the field of logistics management consultancy, first, with a British company and then as vice president of an American consulting group in their London office. Ultimately, I bought out the London practice and formed a close friendship and a joint working agreement with an American business entrepreneur, and we have worked together collectively and separately in around forty different countries. I feel eternal gratitude for the opportunities that I have been fortunate enough to enjoy through the extensive world travel my professional life has enabled. This literary work is populated by a selected amalgam of many of the fascinating people with whom I have had the privilege to meet both socially and professionally and the truly wonderful and, sometimes, extremely challenging countries it has been my great fortune to visit.