Mary Thresher

In Search of Sunken Treasures

by Mark Lee Masters



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/06/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781413457636
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781984574312

About the Book

Mary Thresher is nine years old when the story begins. She was adopted as a baby by her new Indian parents. They are wealthy, but live simply and allow Mary to have freedom in what she wants to think and do. She began dabbling in witchcraft when she was still only nine years old. One of her friends gave her a parrot that was possessed with the spirit of an old sea captain. The parrot’s name was Joque. He told Mary and her friends all about his life and the many women he had known. Mary located witchcraft books on the internet and studied them. She and her friends learned how to call up magical animals to be their pets.

Mary’s father decided that it would be good for Mary to learn about the Indian Gods and medicine. He took her to her grandfather, Cloud of Thunder, who was a medicine man. He trained her as a medicine woman. Mary talked to the many Gods that were in the desert. Finally after about a year of training, she went to the Jade Goddess who lived in a cave on a nearby mountain. The Jade Goddess gave her power to see the future. She also warned Mary about what might be waiting for her in her after life, if she wasn’t willing to kill enough people. The Jade Goddess told Mary that her father had also accepted the gift of seeing the future. He had turned away from the Jade Goddess after he made his millions of dollars.

Mary took training from the High One, a man who was an apprentice to the Jade Goddess. He taught her to make poisons and how to administer them. He also turned her into a beautiful twenty-one year old woman so that she could follow her dream of winning at roulette in Las Vegas. He went with her and helped her win millions of dollars. After winning the money, the Jade Goddess helped Mary to team up with a wealthy young couple named, Bob Ellis and Ellen Morris. They were convinced by Mary to join with her in treasure hunting instead of doing so much fishing. Bob bought two forty foot boats from a salesman in New Buffalo named Bill Phillips. Mary liked him so much that she married him the next day. Later in the story Bob and Ellen would get married in Jamaica. Most of the book is about the adventures the characters go through during their quest for sunken treasures. There is plenty of romance in the action packed story that includes a spiritual war between good and evil. This is a book that you will remember for a long time.

About the Author

Mark Lee Masters initially wrote a book entitled Who’s Got a Taste for Killing. It was a detective story about a serial killer. That book should be published soon. The first published book for Mark was Mary Thresher In Search of Sunken Treasures. The book is available from Xlibris, and is an excellent read. It’s full of gambling, treasure hunting and romance. Dr. Exeeto is one of Mark’s best books. He loves to let his imagination spin fantastic stories that stretch one’s imagination to new heights. Mark loves fishing, travel and fast cars. He can often be seen on the lakes of Elkhart county, fishing with his wife, Nancy. Mark is also a musician and plays guitar, trumpet and piano. He is quite adept at the game of Scrabble.