Winter's Faith

by Frank R. Jarnot



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/07/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781483672410
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781483672403
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781483672397

About the Book

This story depicts the adventures of a young man who was born in a humble beginning, and was reared by his mother as a single child upon his father’s demise when he was only three-years old. He was raised in the proximity of the Connecticut Shoreline which was convenient, and allowed him to learn the nature of Tides, Ocean currents, and boats which he enjoyed and studied in great detail. This young man eventually escaped his humble surroundings by volunteering to join the Army during the Korean War, and was quickly promoted to the rank of Sergeant because of his agility and natural abilities. These qualities in conjunction with additional specialized training, eventually allowed him to be inducted into a Special Forces unit of the United States, and earned him the Right to wear a ‘Green Berea’ as a emblem of distinction. The saga of his Orient adventures eventually led him to marry a young Korean girl for political reasons, and a termed agreement with her father, which enabled him to purchase a sailboat in Hong-Kong upon his discharge from the Army, so to travel across the Pacific Ocean to the United States with his inexperienced Korean wife. Their adventurous journey included defending-themselves from Chinese Pirates along the way as they carried Six-Tons of Gold Bullion hidden in the Keel of their sailboat, and was used as Ballast. The young man eventually built an empire, and allowed him to amass a fortune which he shared liberally with his loyal friends and various associates who aided him in his quest. Loyalty and honesty became the ‘backbone’ of his carefully structured organization. His vast fortune augmented over a period of time consisting of valuable land ownership, and high yielding stocks and bonds, and his agreement with his bride’s father allowed him to keep half of the Gold he had smuggled into the United States from the Far East. The finality of this young man’s efforts became a striking distinction between his humble beginnings, and the financial empire he eventually built over a period of time.

About the Author
