The Hush

by Marjorie A. Creamer



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 25/07/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781413466713

About the Book

In writing this book, from a victim’s point of view, I have addressed the problems of sexual harassment in the workplace and the judicial system. This book has allowed me the freedom of speech. Many aspects of my freedom have been exploited, and my rights have been taken away from me. I have a strong drive for justice now. I paid for the guilt of other’s actions when I filed a charge against Laidlaw Transit, Inc. I was sexually harassed, battered, assaulted, and almost raped not only at the workplace but also in the United States District Court of Colorado as well. I was a target, as the cartoon illustrated, and within me lingers Judge Daniel B. Sparr’s decision in October 1994, “the tragic birthmark of the elk during hunting season.” Ironically, I had become that elk with a birthmark, and it was hunting season in Colorado. The humiliation and malicious lies about me in court by Judge Daniel B. Sparr were presented as excerpts. These documents were researched from the National Archives and provide readers with the facts. The documents used are displayed in the back of the book in the appendix (A through V). The means to the end is not the questioning of the judges, the attorneys, or the justice system’s integrity but the educating of the public on the justice system. When you are a victim of the system, you need to exploit the system. I have just done this in writing The Hush. Testimony of Terri Danford, page 9, line 15 “You’d walk in, and it was there.” THE HUSH

About the Author

IN YOUNGER YEARS, I was almost a straight "A" student, a leader throughout school, several pastel art awards, and Miss Kansas Teenage Runner-up. I am the youngest sibling of a post war veteran of which you can find in the text along with my parents wedding picture taken in Smith Center, Kansas. I realize now that this was the only man whom I was really safe with, my father. My father had died an unexplainable death in the year 1978, the year of my divorce. NOW ALMOST FIFTY, and visualizing the men in my life whom I have been intimate with, and this would not even fill my ten fingers. Furthermore, the last man I dated off and on for two years was a Marine who spent time in Iraq. And now I have just recently read an article in "People Magazine" purporting the facts of military men raping military women, Jennifer Machmer, article February 23, 2004 I believe that this book THE HUSH will open your eyes.