Black Maids Pass Our Mops to Ms. Ann

Breaking the Shackles of Racial Servitude

by Max Alexander Malloy



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 31/10/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9780738833606

About the Book

In the novel, each Ms. Ann is a blond White Woman. Because of the aristocratic, aloof, privileged lifestyles of white women, married or single, they’re chided and scornfully dubbed by their African - American Domestic Slave Maids as: “Ms. Ann”, as in “Queen” or “Princess”.

  The year is 2010 and it presents the vigorous struggle of three New York City African - American Domestic Slave Maids. Eventually the long suffering Maids grow weary of Modern Day Slavery,which is deeply interwoven in Modern-Day Racism. While slaving as Modern - Day Slave Maids in New York City, several Slave Maids learned of the beastly rape and sodomy of one of their young colleague,Ruth Simmons.  An affluent white business man, John Kerr, Husband of Ms. Ann Kerr, deliberately dispatched Ms. Ann on a bogus shopping errand.

 Subsequently, Kerr savagely assaulted, raped and sodomized Ruth Simmons, his lovely African - American Slave Maid, as she scrubbed floors on her brittled knees.   Sometime later, Ruth managed to escape downstairs and summoned help from one of her Slave Maid colleagues, Rosa Johnson.

 Without getting the usual permission from her employer, "Ms. Ann", Rosa sped to the crime scene to aid Ruth, her severely injured colleague. In the midst of bustling auto traffic, Rosa tried desperately to aid her friend, Ruth, who is slumped over a car and bleeding profusely from her face. Twirling around in a frenetic mode, Rosa tried eagerly to hail a yellow cab to transport Ruth to the local Hospital.  However, all white cab drivers refuse to stop and pick up the desperate women. Unable to obtain transportation, Rosa and Ruth are relieved, when they’re finally picked up by a Black Gypsy Cab driver, who rushed the pair to the local Hospital.

At the local Hospital, while Ruth is being treated for her serious injuries, she explained in detail to Rosa and several Physicians, the violent rape, assault, and sodomy perpetrated upon her by a white man, Tom Kerr.   Because of Tom Kerr’s reputable name and affiliations with the Hospital, Police Department, and District Attorney Office, the Physicians were reluctant to notify the Police.  But, upon Rosa insistence, one of the attending Physicians finally summoned the Police.   Later, two Detectives responded to the Hospital to investigate, but once they arrived and learned the famous name of the alleged perpetrator, the Detectives immediately adjudged the sexual complaint, null and void. However, for cosmetic effect, the Detectives drove to Kerr’s apartment.

At John Kerr’s apartment, when confronted with his Maid’s sexual assault complaint, Kerr vehemently denied the attack, and suggested to the Detectives that perhaps his Black Maid was attacked by one of her on kind, a Nigger, maybe in Central Park. As Ms. Ann has now returned from her bogus shopping spree,and learned of her Maid´s allegation against her husband, she frantically supported her husband. After refusing to investigate the deep scratches on Kerr’s face, the Detectives closed the case and departed from the Kerr’s apartment.

  Meanwhile, at the Hospital, the Physicians confirmed that Ruth suffered facial and nose fractures and noted that she was certainly raped and sodomized.   Sometime later, Ruth becamed comatosed. Much later, the Physicians diagnosed that Ruth had contracted “Aids”.   Learning of this morbid diagnosis, Ruth’s Husband, Bob, became a drunk and eventually lost his employment. Their children were taken from Bob and made wards of the City. After all hope for Ruth recovery subsided, Ruth was carted away to a sanatarium.

  Enraged with boiling anger regarding Ruth’s sexual mayhem, as well as other aspect of widespread racism in Modern Day Maidom, Rosa called together her colleagues, Buffy and Jezebel. Together the three Slave Maids resigned from domestic slavery.   Afterward, the

About the Author

Max is a fifty-nine-years old Husband, Father, and Grandfather. As a former South Carolinian, Max migrated to New York City in 1959. After laboring for years in several menial jobs, in 1966, Max joined the New YORK City Police Department. After serving meritoriously for twenty years and six months as a Police Officer, Max retired in 1986. After retirement, Max found himself with a reservoir of extra time. Thus, in 1988, Max self-published his first book, a question and answer book, entitled: :Racial Questions for Caucasians Eyes Only”. Time and time again, Max attempted to pen his second book, but personal glitches in his personal life sidetracked him until now. But now, Max has returned to his desk and has written a thrilling soul, searching novel, entitled: Black Maids: “Pass Our Mops to Ms. Ann” (White Women). Max enjoys writing endlessly about his people, black people, and the ever flow of racist indignities they continue to endure. Max writes not only because he relishes revering the smooth flow of prose upon glossy paper, but he’s goaded by his legendary idol, Frederick Douglass. So, as per the resounding command of the relentless Abolitionist and esteemed idol, Frederick Douglass, Max also scrawls and compose to Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!