My Fare City

A Cabby's Diary After Dark

by Bud Carson



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 31/01/2002

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 209
ISBN : 9781401020187
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 209
ISBN : 9781401020194

About the Author

I moved to San Francisco just before the 1989 earthquake. Since that time I have worked a variety of jobs, some legal and some not so legal, but never in my wildest dreams or scariest nightmares did I ever expect to find myself driving a taxicab from dusk ‘til dawn. That’s what makes life so grand, all of those blind corners can lead to almost anything. Most hacks move on to their other interests by the end of the first year, there are the chosen few, who the longer we keep driving, the harder it is to get out. I just was never interested in what the establishment has to offer me. Like all “underachievers,” I was intelligent enough to get by with little or no effort while putting the majority of my energy in to self-medication. That’s the politically correct way of saying I grew up smoking pot, eating acid, and doing whatever else whenever possible to escape the reality of a world I wanted to be as far away from as possible. I must say I did a damn good job of that, until I became a San Francisco Taxi Driver.