Cosmos, The Eternal

by Lionel Brood



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/08/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 363
ISBN : 9781401063283

About the Book

Tumult visits Barkley University after a student bloodily suicides to defy an enslaving creative force Cosmos, and Thrassos Vann arrives to unite a team of scientists to solve the mystery of existence.

When Thrassos quashes the team’s findings as harmful to society, Morgan Oliver defies him and presents them as lectures to select scientists. But his lectures cause social turmoil.

Morgan learns that Dr. Ivan Kanen perfects an elixir for immortality. A powerful politician who Morgan calls Zeus appropriates it, but not before Kanen and Morgan gain immortality.

Morgan takes lovely Carina, but she ages and he does not. On his yacht Elysium, he lives a sybaritic life, defying Cosmos. When a dying Baron Schulty, the world’s richest man, makes him his heir, Morgan destroys the urban gangs in America threatening his urban enterprises. Long afterwards, he is besieged by a population explosion in the less developed countries that undermine his investments there. Things are unraveling.

Through the centuries, Morgan witnesses the reckless ruin of earth. Dismayed, he confronts Cosmos, and has a choice to make.

About the Author