Among The Living

by Phil Weber



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/09/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 223
ISBN : 9781413497861
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 223
ISBN : 9781413497854

About the Book

The World has completely changed; all the paradigms of society and life are new. How will those who survive alter their beliefs now that all the conventions are gone? One man was always out of time and place, now the World has finally caught up with him. Even as he embraces his new environment, he is plagued by the realization he must now decide exactly what his philosophy is towards his existence. What is his relationship with his God? Why did he survive? And, the age-old question still remains, what is his purpose for being? He is not alone. Through their struggles, those who enter his life now help him come to terms with his new relationship with his family, friends, his world and his God.

The story is based on the possibility of science fact; the story has a contemporary setting and is told through the eyes, heart and mind of the main character, Henry. In Henry is a little part of all of us. The reader will identify, and through the reading of the book, see attributes and shortcomings of the human condition profoundly illustrated. Among the Living is in the end a book about feelings; it is journey through the experience of living a full life, from moments of great joy and success to the depths of despair. Emotions are liberated and share an equal place with intellect. The characters, through the passages, become fully human -- a state of being beyond what was thought possible.

About the Author