A Child's Suffering, A Mother's Love

by Kimberly Cross Humphrey



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 28/05/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781441531704
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781441531711

About the Book

This is the story of one of my children, who at a very young age, was diagnosed with cancer. I talk in the book about how, as a mother, I delt with the pain and suffering he went through and how, through my faith, was able to stand strong. It is a must read for anyone who has children. We may not understand what God´s plan is, but we must trust Him and His judgements. He is in control and will never let us hurt more than is necessary to shape us into the human beings that He wants us to be. God is Good all the time. We see only in part, where God sees everything and knows exactly how to shape things to make His plan come to pass. I sincerely hope that everyone that reads it, enjoys it and is inspired by Trevor´s story.

About the Author

KC Humphrey is a dedicated mother, wife and caregiver. Raised in Beaumont, Texas gives her strong southern demeanor and strong southern roots, which gave her the strong faith and the strong sense of family that she speaks of in this book. Her eldest child Duncan was born with spinal bifida, her second, Colin was born to this world healthy but prone to blood sugar problems and nose bleeds. Then came the third child, which this book is about, Trevor, him and his brother, Hunter, were both born with neurofibromatosis. Trevor was then diagnosed with cancer. This book is about her strong faith in times of crisis and about her relationship with her parents, children and God. It was her strong faith in Christ that enables her to deal with the trials and tribulations of having children with disabilities. She currently resides with her husband, Jay, serving in the United States Army, her second eldest son Colin, and her mother in law, Margaret and their wonderful puppies, Ludo, Lynx and Spirit. They are currently stationed in Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. She is dedicated to doing God’s will for her life, being a good mother, a dedicated military spouse, and a thoughtful caregiver. This book is dedicated to all those whose encouragement and inspiration helped in the writing of this book. She wants to thank her mother for being supportive. If you would like to read some of KC Humphrey’s other writings go to her web site www.kchumphrey.webs.com.