No Mountain Too High to Climb
Book Details
About the Book
This book of poetry is a tribute to the great human spirit. It reflects the humorous side of life and the spiritual quest. It honors many people from all walks of life. These people perform extraordinary feats that go unnoticed because they do not seek honor. This includes those who fight and die to protect our freedom. Everyone in law enforcement, who protect us daily. The firefighters that risk their lives to save others. The people involved in health care, including the service organizations and volunteers, without which society would truly suffer. The educators that open the world to their students giving them the encouragement and tools to succeed. Everyone who reaches out to others to give comfort and hope. Many of these poems have given encouragement and support to families dealing with everyday problems including illness and death. Memorial services, devotional and radio programs have used the poetry. They encourage equal rights, freedom, peace, love of country and family. Many express my love of God and the blessings he has given us.
Some of the poetry is in libraries, museums, schools and public offices because of their inspirational content. Many are cut in granite benches which has started a new art form and set world records for size, weight and original content. The benches are read and enjoyed by people everyday, especially the ones close to the historical murals in Portsmouth, Ohio. The murals are over 2200 feet long and are visited by people from around the world. Many poems have earned awards that I never expected, as I believe whatever talent we have is a gift from God and should be used for the benefit of others.