Don Quijote de la Mancha

Actividades y Ejercicios Uno de los Libros más Famosos de la Literatura Hispana

by G.Valecillos / D. Padmore-Rogers



Book Details

Language : Spanish
Publication Date : 7/11/2014

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781499094879
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781499094855
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781499094862

About the Book

Don Quijote de la Mancha, Activities and exercises is based on the original novel by one of the most magnificent writers of the Spanish literature, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Mrs. Padmore-Rogers and Mr. Valecillos made up a series of exercises based on seven chapters of the book. Each chapter starts with a vocabulary list for the students to look up the meaning of those words and create their own sentences and paragraphs. Then a short story initiates the adventures of Alonso Quixano, an hidalgo who reads so many chivalric novels that he decides to set out to revive chivalry, under the name Don Quixote. After the reading, there are exercises to check reading comprehension and let students work on their own to master comprehension of the chapter. Don Quixote is met by the world as it is, initiating such themes as intertextuality, realism, metatheatre, and literary representation.

Don Quixote is considered the most influential work of literature from the Spanish Golden Age and the entire Spanish literary canon.

About the Author

Mrs. Padmore-Rogers is a veteran Spanish professor from Panamá City, Republic of Panamá. A well-known country for the Panamá Canal. She is a motivated and outgoing professor willing to face new challenges. She studied at Instituto Nacional de Panamá in which she received her academic High School Diploma in Languages. She attended York College in which she received her Bachelor's Degree in Spanish/Education. In between her degree, she studied in Madrid, España at Jaime del Amo University for one year. She continued her education at Queens College in which she received her Master's Degree in Secondary Education. She taught Spanish in Panamá City for two years. She continued teaching at John Adams High School in New York City for six years. Presently, she has been teaching Spanish at Lacey Township High School. Who is Mr. Valecillos? He's a Spanish/ESL teacher who grew up in Venezuela, a beautiful country in South America. Mr. Valecillos is a native speaker of the lovely Bocono, known as the 'Garden of Venezuela.' He has a vast experience in teaching English and Spanish as a second language. He attended classes at Rutgers and NYU to become a certified Spanish teacher in NJ. He also studied English at Lackland AF Base in San Antonio, TX to become a certified Defense Language Institute instructor. He worked as a translator/interpreter for The Venezuelan/American F-16 aircraft Delta Project at the Venezuelan Air Force. Mr. Valecillos worked for the Central Regional School District for 11 years. There he was awarded Teacher of the Year in 2011. He's been married for 35 years to another teacher who also belongs to the great Lacey family. He has two beautiful daughters and two adorable grandchildren. He loves what he does! Teaching is his passion! ¡Viva el español! ¡Qué Viva! are his favorite chants.