Hopes and Dreams to Infinity

Quests in the Search of Love Twelve One Act Plays

by Maurice Siegel



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/03/2015

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781503514096
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 504
ISBN : 9781503514102

About the Book

In a very different direction, wanting to measure a cherished love between two people, I chose a setting, in ‘Death Is Blind’, where Death is an equal protagonist. For the action of those people who are at their best in observing others as much inferior to them in quality of thoughtfulness, I chose the interfacing of a self satisfied, ‘good’ person up against an airy, somewhat confused seeker of a spiritual connection to reality, when it is just the opposite that lies at the base of each of their souls in ‘The Long Fall From Grace’. In the play, ‘The Last Great Fantasy’, I would imagine that our highest wishes for ourselves could still come about when we no longer have chance to make an impact upon humanity and yet still wishing to remain determined to make our mark before we are to disappear forever.

About the Author

I do wonder about the desire we all have to run along the thin edge of a potential disaster where one side is the simple satisfaction of joy and the other holds secrets not fully understood and possessing grave danger. You would think this edge that exists in taking us from the past into the future is to be found miles apart from each other. It doesn’t seem so. A small deviation along the way can bring about life-changing outcomes. And that is why I wrote two of the twelve plays, each with having a version 1 and a version 2—the same cast of characters; for each play go to their limit to see what could happen to them. It is a slight difference along the path to lead either to misfortune or reawakening of a past love. It is my simplistic metaphor for the real-life rulers of countries who can change a warring outcome for millions of people by minor words said or delivered between rulers.