Zanoni - Apertura a Napoli
Initiation in Naples: The Initiation of Glyndon

Book Details
About the Book
Zanoni is a love story of a Great Soul, a Mahatma, bound by the seeds of duty and sacred obligations and human aspirations, long-suffering, forbearing self-interests for the greatness of the world at the crest of liberation. Yet even now, the backward pull into moral connections still binds him to his scars of karmic debts—drawn from dormant untamed desires, tethered to the past, contrasting liberation. Zanoni, though master, is the same but from the other purpose and a greater end—bound to Mejnour, both master/protector, brother and friend. Mejnour has the great power of self-control and is less deterred by the fragrance of these passions that are set against the desires of a cast of remarkable friends. All are bound by fate on the road to self-destruction and the cross of regeneration . . . weakened by the fateful politics . . . the Master of the Theater—royal, rejected . . . turns to selfish love and lust’s interest, which breaks traditions of decency with the powers of a king. Zanoni is a fictionalized work with historical interjections. If you are simply tired of the liberal silly dialogue, part 2 promises even more depth of detail. The true purposes tied to this fictional tale are vast—both for history and self-education. This is just the introduction of what may come to follow after this, if the time permits and the story continues, saved for another day to remember and to set the calendar by.
About the Author
The writer (for the term "author" is not the correct one since a term like "hearer" is probably more correct) was born in North Dakota and grew up in Washington. He worked for the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC in the 1970s and was in charge of international printing and publishing and later shipping and receiving, where he served in the supreme grand lodge and took initiation as well as served on their initiation teams. He was, at the time, hugely influenced by Frater Erwin Watermeyer and also had a very deep personal friendship with people like Lamar Kilgore. From 1987 to the present, he has worked in the medical imaging field as an MRI engineer in service and support for medical manufacturing.
He was introduced to Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and Kabbalah initially through the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC in the 1970s as well as to alchemy. It was then that he also studied hypnosis through people like Lavona Stillman, Arnold Furst, and Ormond McGill. He studied practical alchemy after first being introduced to it through AMORC and from Frater Albertus (Albert Reidel) in Salt Lake City at his Paracelsus College and then worked at it as an amateur alchemist in his own labs. He was hugely influenced by the writing of the Theosophical Society as well as the Philosophical Research Society, Freemasonry, and other esoteric groups. He was a distant home study member of the group calling itself the Philosophers of Nature when it first formed until it faded; it was founded by Jean Dubuis and run by Russ and Sue House. Then, in 1988, he became devoted to Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
He has been a student of private study and meditation practices and a collector of rare books and periodicals on many subjects and research for over forty-five years. These studies include academic studies as well as brief periods involved with BOTA, the Golden Dawn, Theosophy, SRF, Eastern and Western philosophical systems, and Kabbalah. He has written for private correspondence as well as poetic works, but for many years, he has also written as a technical writer in the fields of NMR and MRI, even underwater sonar and sound properties in the 1980s.
Disenchantment or disillusionment came with established curriculums, and it has had its own epiphany. He began writing for a popular philosophical publication after experiencing many inner visits and demands inspired by meditations touched by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and one's own inner hearing, which has provided its own demand to get to work. This was stepped up dramatically after Sai Baba's death and an inner visit from Sai Baba just prior to his death. Accepting no excuses for the lazy, disinterested nature of modern culture nor the fixed ideologies of subjects overlabored through the distribution of more and more books on many subjects (usually rewritten and hardly understood), he has taken on his own open philosophical challenge for the review of the many experts who provide well-read commentary rather than practical inner experience in the hopes of redefining one’s practical philosophy through initiatic use of dramatic philosophical language and, particularly, the spiritual dynamics hidden in the depths available to the readers of the English language.