Awareness Is the Key: Bettering Relationships Between Parents and Teens

by Mary Kerbacher



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/03/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781514450727
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781514450741

About the Book

My inspiration in writing this little book is my son, Christopher. Although he is all grown-up now, I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned while raising him. I wanted him to grow up knowing he was loved and wanted and that he will contribute to this world; he certainly has. During the time I raised him, I had the opportunity to work with many other children. What I saw over and over again was the lack of communication between the adult and the teenager. The complaints I heard over and over again from the teenager was that they do not matter, their voice is not heard, and no one wants to hear them out. The parent or guardian complains that their teenager does not listen to them and they think they know it all. I have made it my business to reach out to teenagers and parents to let them know that their voices do matter and that they can be effectively heard. I have tested different theories of better ways to communicate between these relationships and ways. These are the ways that have been most effective. Please read this book and put into effect the ways to communicate with each other so that you may get the most out of your relationship. I also have added a section of awareness for drug addiction in hopes through education you may choose not to use drugs to cope with the obstacles life brings your way. I have also included different places one may reach out to for help if need be. No one is alone; there is always someone out there ready to help you to become the person you were meant to be. You are important, and there is a purpose in life that only you can fulfill.

About the Author

My name is Mary, and I have helped raise kids since I have been a kid myself. My dream was to have my own child. I was different in that I spent a lot of my childhood reaching out and learning about people, from babies to the elderly. I also developed a unique relationship with God, and at a very young age, I knew that God was in control of my life, not me. I became a practical nurse at eighteen years old and did many different types of nursing. I worked with troubled youths and corrections and owed a sub shop. I went on to work in real estate and sold and assisted in the restoration of a significant historic block, named the Weightman Block. This caused a domino effect for a beautiful historic district for the City of Williamsport. I served five years on the Redevelopment Authority Committee for the city of Williamsport and assisted with some wonderful changes for the city. After some trauma in my life that really changed me, I chose another road to follow, and that is to help people who suffer with addictions. I will soon be graduating with a bachelor’s of psychology and starting a master’s program in the summer. I will continue my work in reaching out and learning about others so I may engage the many I plan to work with and help them with their purpose to succeed and grow. Because you have a purpose!