The Understanding of Adultery in the Hebrew Bible

A Critical Survey

by Alexander Izuchukwu Abasili



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/06/2016

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 442
ISBN : 9781514498521
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 442
ISBN : 9781514498514
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 442
ISBN : 9781514498507

About the Book

Adultery, though not an umbrella concept for all the sexual prohibitions in the Hebrew Bible, enjoys a certain pride of place. Remarkably, it is the one sexual prohibition attested in all biblical genres, which makes it very representative in the Hebrew Bible. It is the only Hebrew biblical sexual prohibition explicitly mentioned in the Decalogue. A solid understanding of Hebrew biblical adultery, therefore, is an important step towards grasping the vital role of human sexuality in the Hebrew Bible, both in terms of inter-human relationships and the relationship between the human and the divine. Without prejudice to the contents of the Hebrew biblical lexicons and theological dictionaries, this work aims at providing a comprehensive understanding of adultery in the Hebrew Bible: its meaning, punishments and the implications thereof. Among others, it corrects some wrong assumptions about the concept of adultery in the Hebrew Bible, and provides a balanced and unbiased Hebrew biblical conception of adultery and the implications thereof for today’s couples.

About the Author

Alexander Izuchukwu Abasili (smmm) specialises in Old Testament biblical exegesis. He earned, among others, a postgraduate diploma in journalism, a master of theology and religious studies, a master of advanced studies in theology and religious studies, a Licentiate and STD in Sacred Theology, and Ph.D in Theology and Religious Studies (Biblical Studies Dept. Old Testament), KU Leuven, Belgium. His research interests include the meaning and role of human sexuality in the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Samuel, Contextual biblical Exegesis, and biblically-based search for Eco-justice. Some of his research findings are published, among others, in these international journals – Vestus Testamentum, Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament and Old Testament Essays.