And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

40 Encouragements to Elevate the Mind in the Midst of a Storm, Based on Real-Life Experiences

by Jahmella Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/09/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781543492422
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781543492415
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 164
ISBN : 9781543492439

About the Book

From an overcrowded council-owned flat in South East London to a self-employed homeowner in Kent with room to spare, And The Walls Came Tumbling Down follows the journey taken by author Jahmella Robinson as she tears down the seemingly impenetrable walls of her life to expose the twists and turns endured to make the transition. In a comical manner, readers will gain insight into her entertaining upbringing, unexpected health battles, unusual faith journey and her once-in-a-lifetime mission trip experience. The tumbling of walls can only happen when one stops seeking the approval of others and lives in an authentic way—that’s when the ‘Encourager’ was birthed. Are you in need of encouragement? Are you tired of putting on a brave face in the face of others? Have you jumped over hurdles, learnt significant lessons, but you feel shy to share? In this book, readers are provided with a refreshing perspective on owning but not accepting our imperfections, being honest with self and others, and relying on a personal relationship with God for transformation.

About the Author

Jahmella Robinson is a British author who is relatively new to the field of writing books. While she has been writing short pieces for many years, And The Walls Came Tumbling Down is her first published book. Drawing from scriptural wisdom, and personal experiences, she guides readers to look beyond the storms of life and instead to hold on to hope. She uses the analogy of walls tumbling down to unmask herself, stripping back the common well-polished façade. Jahmella has a degree in economics from Sussex University, and she has been working within financial services for almost a decade. Her passion lies in sharing life lessons and insights to encourage and build up others. Jahmella is very enthusiastic about writing and has ambitions to write more in the future.