Dreams Fulfilled

by Dr. Richard (Dickie) Marks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/01/2025

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9798369435007
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9798369435021
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 206
ISBN : 9798369435014

About the Book

This is the story of two young kids, Dickie and Marlene, who didn't merely fall, but instead inexplicably plunged headfirst in love the moment their eyes met. The story follows their united paths through life from their first day together, when a spell appeared to have been cast; an unexplainable and illogical magnetic attraction. A bond immediately began to set, evolving nearly daily into total interdependence. That bond soon became an absolute union; separable only by an irresistible summons to and from the Lord. Reflecting current events in both the world in which they lived and in their own personal microcosm over the course of nearly six decades, it is told through the loving lens of Dickie's total devotion to Marlene. In verse.

About the Author

Dr. Richard Marks has accomplished much over his four decades practicing orthopedic surgery. He has dramatically improved quality of life for thousands of his patients, and has popularized and fine-tuned an innovative minimally invasive spinal surgery technique. While rightfully proud of those achievements, the greatest gift for him personally was not the life altering treatments he was able to give others - fashioned in the brain and delivered by the hand; but one that had been bestowed upon him. Rather than in the brain, this gift was fashioned in the heart. Delivery was also by the hand, but unlike surgery, where hand delivery was via fine motor control, this was via script - the ability to express his innermost thoughts and feelings in the form of poetry. It is in that manner in which he allows us an intimate look into the lives of both him and his beloved, Marlene. At times he focuses on the brighter sides of life, while at others he makes it clear that nobody goes through life unscathed, and that calm, placid waters can without warning become angry, turbulent seas. Yet one guiding light has unfailingly kept him afloat until able to reach safe harbor, awaiting inevitable passage of the storms and sunshine piercing the spent and dispersing storm clouds. That brilliant light is in the person of Marlene.