A Good Way To Go

by Colin G. Jamieson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/06/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 265
ISBN : 9781483648149
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 265
ISBN : 9781483648156

About the Book

“A Good Way to Go – considering self-determination, mercy & self-termination.” tackles the difficult subjects of living, dying, suicide and euthanasia but concentrates on the care that can be given. The book is aimed at the general public not so much to be authoritative as provide original thoughts, and comprehensive enough to provide helpful material, to stimulate discussions, and provide an overview that might facilitate wholesome changes in our society. It is said to be well written and raising new and interesting points. The plea for a more merciful society begins with pastoral help to the dying, a better understanding of suicide, acceptance of self-termination, a look at ethics, health services and the law in regard to euthanasia. It is written from a Christian Western perspective because that is what has brought us to this place of confusion and anxiety about death and dying. It is important, that we take our bicultural and multicultural future very seriously in an ever increasing secular world and it would be audacious to speak on any other culture’s behalf.

About the Author

Colin Jamieson is trained in art, teaching, and theology, maintaining strong interests in creativity, spirituality, pastoral care, mental health and community development through his professional careers. He has been involved in publishing with two books including his poems, “Stations of the Land” & “Port Hills Poems” as well as documentary film-making and a features film “Woman in White.” starring Jennifer Barrer. Colin lives in Lyttelton Harbour of the South Island of New Zealand