Who Runs Your House

The Kids or You?

by Karen Phillip



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/11/2012

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781477140758
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9781477140741

About the Book

This book was written for all the parents who are having difficulty with their young child.

“Our children are beautiful active little people and we sometimes experience diffi culties when their stubbornness or their behaviour leaves us confused. When our children will not listen to us, they behave in a manner we feel is not appropriate or they may act out with anger or tantrums at the worst possible times, what are we suppose to do?” By following these simple suggestions your children will behave positively and without arguments.

• Are you experiencing regular tantrums from your child?
• Do you argue about behaviours?
• Do you feel your child does not listen to you?
• Is there a problem with your child going to bed or staying in bed?

Then this is the book you need to read now!

Parents can easily learn to get their power back, to run their house the way they believe is right for them and their children.

This book can be used as a simple guide to assist you to make the right rules and boundaries for your children and have them followed. It will help you to guide your children toward better behaviours without too much confl ict. By using these suggestions you can communicate better with both your partner and children to achieve the outcome you require.

You run the house, not the children. Get back your control and power easily with little effort both within the home and when out. Follow these suggestions for a happier, life that will be more fulfi lling, enjoyable, and fun.

About the Author

Karen Phillip is the author of this book. Karen has been a family counselor for nearly two decades. She has worked with many families who experience behavioural problems with their young children. Karen writes for many Mother and Parent Blog sites and features as their Parenting expert. Karen has featured in numerous print media, magazines and newspaper publications and is the Parenting and Relationship expert on the TCN9 television TODAY show in Australia. Karen is also the contracted expert on Recuse.com