A Political Thriller

by Elizabeth Ferido-Bohlin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/10/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 425
ISBN : 9781493113972
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 425
ISBN : 9781493113989

About the Book

An object encrypted with a Master Plan for terror at the EU parliament brought to Stockholm by a Saudi royal entourage went missing. Prince Fareed's missions: sign the Gripen Arms Sales with Sweden negotiated in Riyadh by government officials and address Turkey's membership to the EU in Brussels. Amidst the 113th Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm Concert House, the Saudi ambassador is murdered and a Swedish prostitute beheaded while secret collaterals to the Gripen Agreement securing Islam's dominance in Svealand are exposed.

Dubbed The Östermalm Crime Mystery, government ministers, Saudi and Iranian Islamist terrorists, the young Swedish Crown princess, a PhD candidate, a neophyte police superintendent, and Iranian nurse/code breaker grapple with each other in Stockholm City and Oxford University for control of the impending terror in Brussels. Time span of the novel: 13-22 December, ten days in freezing Scandinavian winter.

About the Author

Elizabeth Ferido-Bohlin was born in Vigan, Ilocos Sur, in the northern part of the Philippines. She has a degree in political science and studied law at the University of the Philippines. She was accepted in a one-year diploma course in international relations at Stockholm University, awarded a two-year guest scholarship by the Swedish Institute for a masters in political science, then later joined the PhD programme. She has worked at two diplomatic missions in Stockholm and spent almost two years at Oxford University to research and to write this political thriller. She lives in Östermalm, Stockholm.