The Shaping

Of the Vessel By the Potter's Hand

by Mariya Louw



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/06/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781469158907

About the Book

An Anthology of Growth, Creativity and Mind-Space. ’n Bundel oor Groei, Kreatiwiteit en Kopruimte. An Anthology of Verse, containing verse in the Author’s mother tongue, Afrikaans, and English. These poems are all written in different styles: depicting, in dialogues, monologues, Shakespearean, film-inspired, dream-inspired, dubious, philosophical, impressionistic, and finally (thought you’d never get here!) deeply personal. Intended to accompany the Author’s Honors Art Exhibition, themed: SPACE—in this case, Mind Space. what transpires in our minds, that we cannot express through words? . . . and silently keep it in our own Mind Space . . . sometimes wrongly. Graze deeply, criticize, but know, this is not one perfect specimen, it is snapshots of the same raw Pot, caught in the process of being formed.

About the Author

MARIETJIE LOUW (B.Ed. CPuT.), has been a writer since she can remember. when she was five, her mother helped her to write a letter she dictated, which was published in the Huisgenoot of 1991(?). At seven, she wrote a short poem about Tyd (“Time”) that was published in her school’s own paper, Die Horison. Countless more little notebooks had been filled by her during her primary school years, in Grade 8 she entered a poetry Competition, and published Thoughts. During high school, many a teenager’s Sturm und Drang time in life, she poured her heart out via her pen . . . Even the trials she has faced in life up and until now, have mostly ended hopeful, for her faith that carries her through, and helps her make sense of the trials and tribulations of life.