Abandon Indiana

by Amy Hensley



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 20/03/2001

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 233
ISBN : 9780738840857
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 233
ISBN : 9780738840864

About the Book

Meet some of the residents of Abandon, Indiana: A man who gains worldwide fame for producing the absolute worst poetry ever written, yet who dies in obscurity. A woman who, intoxicated by a gallon of vodka, shoots off her toe to get the attention of the town doctor. A family descended from the town founder whose primary occupation is reproducing even more descendents. A boy who becomes an overnight rock and roll sensation, only to die the ultimate Hollywood death. And a family torn asunder by grief, tragically unaware of the violent act to come that will divide them permanently.

The youngest member of that family, Reece Dollar, is confused by the onset of adolescence and by the behavior of those around her as she prepares for her fourteenth birthday. Emotionally abused by a distant mother, haunted by memories of her older brother and by the ghost of a sister she never knew, unable to understand her budding feelings for an older man, shocked by a revelation about her surviving sister and, ultimately, about her very existence, only two things help her survive day to day—the companionship of her beloved father, Doodle, and the dream of one day escaping her hometown forever, just like her idol, local boy Halo Truly. But can she truly abandon Indiana?

About the Author

Amy Hensley, a native Hoosier, is a graduate of Indiana University. She lives and works in the Indianapolis, Indiana area.