A Taste for Distraction

by Never Hall



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 29/07/2005

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 149
ISBN : 9781413482720
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 149
ISBN : 9781413482713

About the Book

A Taste For Distraction is a collage of all of what I consider to be my most significant thoughts, poems, prose, beliefs, and dreams. Those that best describe my self… my views. The truths of the world, in plain words.

In the beginning, writing was my way of coping with the world around me. Later, it became my way of understanding it. Then my way of revealing what I’d learned to others, as well as a form of expression.

What you will read in this book are the very thoughts and dreams that make up the plains of my evolution from boy to man, from man to human, from human to Never. What you will learn is the inner most part of me… exactly how I view myself, and everyone around me. And hopefully you will feel the truth of it all.

This book was not written to make you believe or follow anything you might find here. It was written to make you think. It was written to make you question why people make it a common practice to shake off the deepest thoughts, or the strongest desires and call them daydreams or fantasies. It was written to make you question why so many surrender their dreams to settle for something they don’t want, or don’t believe in. It was written to make you question why we never say what we really want to say… shrug off our truest feelings, and shake our heads to say, “I’m sorry. I got distracted.”

I can only hope that we are all distracted from time to time.


About the Author

I am Never William M’sho Sapansi Hall ii, born and, for the most part, raised in St. Paul, Minnesota. I’ve been writing since the age of twelve… ever since my father, William Hall, was murdered. It started as a way to communicate with my dad. Writing daily events and things no one else would have been interested in. Later, I began to write short stories, poems, and sometimes just my feelings. Reading was always a large part of my life, and I think it became even more so after my father’s death. And I found my dreams were being inspired by authors like Goethe, Poe, Percy Shelley, and Lord Byron, and, even, Shakespeare. I think I read my first copy of Hamlet at age fourteen, and discovered that the frustrated Lord Hamlet and I shared a great deal in common. It was at about that time I started looking for something to believe in… a religion… a God… something… anything. I went from Baptist, to Catholic, to Satanist, to Wicca, to Buddhist, to Hindu, to Gnostic, to whatever the hell it is I am today. And I’m happiest just believing in me. In this book you will get some idea of exactly what goes on in this distracted globe… of how I see the world through the eyes of an orphan… a runaway… a teenage prostitute… a student… an opportunist… a lover… a poet… a philosopher… a prisoner… a ix father… a husband, and, finally, an author. Please, don’t judge me too harshly. I believe what I believe. And I, unlike most people, gained my beliefs through experience and personal research. So, if I step on your feelings somewhere along the way, … so what. Enjoy.