Pharaoh+Ancient Israel+'Ich'

Thoughts about an Historical Process

by Wolfgang D. Schmidt



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 20/03/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 263
ISBN : 9780738809311
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 263
ISBN : 9780738809304

About the Book

The author suggests the possibility that the two Hebrew states of Israel and Judah, which were united for barely two generations were primarily set and supported up by Pharaoh to serve as buffer states,first against the invading Indo-European Sea Peoples, among them the powerful Peleset from whom the name Palestine derives and later other forces lusting for the flesh pots of Egypt which was then still the richest country on earth. From about 1180 to 586 BCE the Hebrews greatly served the Pharaoh's political and military interests which were overwhelmingly of a defensive nature. The tale of a natural enmity between Egyptians and Hebrews, and the later Jews, is a gruesome horror story which ought to be replaced by an enlightened understanding of actual historical events and mutual respect.

About the Author

Wolfgang D. Schmidt was born in Berlin/Germany in  November 1925 and grew up in this extraordinary city until he joined to Wehrmacht, spring 1943. Transferred to Luftwaffe Flak he saw combat in Italy 1944 and the collapse of that Third Reich along the roads from the Alsace to the Bavarian Alps.

With becoming a prisoner of war of the 99th Infantry Division in April ‘45, and then Huebners Red One, an odd process of ‘Reeducation’  had its beginning, a process which continued until this day, a quixotic search for truth in history and some meaning to human existence.

Applying his German High School English and knowing the technique of Basic English, Wolfgang had little trouble communicating with Americans but some trouble always agreeing with them on some major issues of human existence. Such troubles, however, is the very foundation of dialogue as long as the rules of common courtesy and mutual respect are maintained.

Sponsored by two brothers of his father who had assumed US citizenship in the thirties, wanting no part of that Third Reich Germany, Wolfgang arrived in America aboard the ‘AMERICA’ the morning of Christmas Eve 1951; Five years later he, too, became a United States citizen.

But these United States have been constantly at war for the past six decades, very few  “a good war” and most rather bad little wars executed overwhelmingly in a haphazard if not extremely stupid manner, wars not even recognized as wars because according to the Constitution only Congress has the power to declare war.

In the course of his American 'Dasein'  Wolfgang met many types of human beings of various skin colors and many more political shades, from extremely dumb-assed true Neo-Nazi to fanatical bagel lancers of the Jewish Defense League, seeking foolishly to persuade them to engage in civilized dialogue instead of hurling charges and countercharges, threats and counterthreats at each other as if the only substance that matters was keeping the stews of hatred at a constant boiling point. Indeed, Wolfgang's only reward for his quixotic rides amounted to a heart attack which immobilized him for several months.

Then he maintained for a couple of years a Web site "Wolfgang's Lair" which consistently was bounced off the major search engines and attracted few readers, for who wanted to know about "Those Patriotic German Jews" who had emerged during the Age of Enlightenment and the Napoleonic era and whose very existence as German patriots the Nazis denied; Or "The Conquest of the Mark Brandenburg by the Germans" and the peaceful intergration of Slavic peoples into the German nation; Or a trip back to a series of world historical events which occurred some 3,200 years ago in the Middles East and still excessively impact the politcal life and gory warfare of this days, the Web essay "Pharaoh, Ancient Israel +  'I/Ich". For that matter, this essay nobody gave a hoot about Wolfgang enlarged to book length and the title is available with Xlibris until the first hour following the next doomsday.

This should suffice as an introduction to this storyteller, Wolfgang with the suffering super Ego/Ich and the dark waters of his lamentations for most that is but should not be, and the claim that the Lord God had created all that is and called it 'Good'. But such 'God' is in error and we - the creatures of Prometheus who have eaten from the tree of knowledge - should muster the courage to call Him wrong and then - humbly but not niggardly - set ourselves to work, like a child who exceeds the father, as indeed it did happen a few times in the course of human history, in spite of all.