A Look Inside / A Deeper Look Inside

by Devlin Nightshade



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 28/08/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781401063771

About the Book

A Look Inside is the poetic autobiography written by Devlin Nightshade during his traumatic and complicated teenage years. A Deeper Look Inside is Devlin’s poetic autobiography dealing with the struggles and hardships of the years during his growth from boyhood to manhood. Both books deal with love, depression, morality, and human mortality. Join Devlin Nightshade on his quest for identity and hope as you take a look inside of his tormented mind.

About the Author

Devlin Nightshade grew up in small town America, and has always been considered an outcast by those around him. Devlin has been writing poetry since 1990 and it is his dream to bring back classical poetry comparable to: Edgar Allen Poe; William Shakespeare; Robert Frost; Oscar Wilde; Lewis Carroll; and other poets of that caliber.