Life and Recollections

by Ruth Zehner Cole



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 28/07/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781413496598

About the Book

Life and Recollections is a collection of short stories and memories of a lady who has lived through the invention of the airplane, the telephone, the automobile, indoor plumbing, discovery of electricity, the events of World War I and World War II, the "Great Depression", the Korean and VietNam conflicts, and more recently Desert Storm and the war in Iraq. Ruth Zehner Cole was raised on a farm in the early 1900's and has many stories to tell of her life on the farm. She follows this with her memories of her courtship and career and later of raising her family next door to her childhood home. She recounts memories of each of her daughters. Sandra, who, with maternal concern, led her two little sisters "out of harm's way", and into the muddy garden from which none of them could free themselves; Meredith, who recited poems before an audience at the age of three, but refused at later ages; and Natalie, the youngest, whose tidy nature was apparent even as a tiny tot. There were several antics involving the three Cole girls that Ruth recalls--The "rainy day" in the bathtub, the red cotton underwear given to the girls by their great-aunt Zoie, the trip to the county fair in Aunt Zoie's ancient Model T Ford, to name a few. The reader is introduced to each of Ruth's sons-in-law, Jim, Leo and Doug, and to their parents as well. There are recollections of sunny days at Lake Erie with Doug's mother, double birthday celebrations with Jim's parents, and canoeing on the Mohican with Leo's parents. In this book, Ruth tells the story of "Raggles", a story she heard as a child and, unable to find the book in print, "told" the story many times to her daughters and grandchildren. Ruth discusses some of the experiences she encountered while "grandmothering" all of her ten grandchildren, whom she introduces to the reader. And all thirteen of her great-grandchildren. She recounts memories of her early years of church involvement, and the major impact this committment had on her life. Also, she introduces and discusses the continued association with her childhood "4-H" club members, and the new organization formed in 1936 to maintain this club, the "Sew-Long Club". She has continued this friendship with the original members, adding and losing members along the way. The "Sew-Long Club" recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. And is still going stong. Finally, Ruth lists just a few of the changes she has seen in her lifetime, from living in a farmhouse without electricity or plumbing, using horses for transportation, homemade wooden toys, catalog "cutouts" for paper dolls, attending a one-room schoolhouse where all 8 grades were taught by one teacher and in one room, to the present when we actually are sending people into outer space. The world has changed immensely, but the basics of truth, loyalty and love of God and family have remained its constant. Thanks be to God.

About the Author

Ruth Zehner Cole was born in Ashland, Ohio, in 1916. When she was two years old, she, her parents, her two brothers and her sister moved to an 18-acre farm south of Ashland. When she was six years old, another son joined the family. The farm was her home until she was married, at which time she and her husband purchased a plot of the same farm to build their home. Ruth still lives in that house today, where she enjoys her family and friends, and reminiscing on her very happy life. Thanks be to God.