A Novel

by Christine Brunner



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 24/05/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 269
ISBN : 9781425710453

About the Book

Daydreaming is the journey of Heidi Alexander, a lonely young writer looking for her soul mate. Nestled in a beautiful house by the sea, on the Isle of Capri, Heidi Alexander spends her days writing children’s books. A tragic plane crash had killed her parents when she was still in school. They were all she had. She misses them terribly. A yearning for love and family is a constant in her life, even though her best friend’s family embraces her as one of their own. She is a striking beauty yet shy and reserved. Heidi blossoms only when surrounded by her young readers, and in the company of her best friend Connie Stefano. Her success as a writer promises a bright future. Her books are well liked in Europe and the US. Heidi follows her agent’s advise to promote her books abroad. She books passage on a cruise ship to New York, where she throws caution to the winds and falls madly in love on the high seas, with a charming Italian, Antonio Fellini. Together they explore New York, and promise to meet again in Rome to continue their shipboard romance. Heidi begins her American book tour in New York and Long Island. She feels at home with her young audience, and their parents. She is thrilled to realize that she is well known on this continent. Heidi’s friends Connie and Connie’s mother Marie Louise, join her in Washington DC, where they embark on a train excursion across America. Unfortunately along with dazzling scenery and fabulous food, they are drawn into a murder investigation, which leaves Heidi shaken and ill. All her travels bring love, passion, and heartache, but also new friendships and contentment. You will follow Heidi on her book tours, and get to know countries and cities she visits. You will laugh and cry with Heidi while you are drawn into the rich fabric of her adventures.

About the Author

Christine Brunner brings her characters to life with depth and emotion. Her tale portrays the yearning that is in all of us – everlasting love. This is her first novel. Ms Brunner was born and educated in Germany. She previously made her home in Michigan. She now resides in California with her daughters.