Picking Up The Pieces

The Battle of Iwo Jima

by Fred L. Ward



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/01/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781425706845

About the Book

About the Book This book is about a young Marine who went through the entire battle of IWO JIMA just 43 days before his 19th birthday. Now less than two months from his 80th birthday, he is putting his memories on paper where it belongs. His memory is alive and well, his eyewitness accounts are extremely vivid and accurate. This former Marine is the author of his own book, Picking up the Pieces. You will find this book to be heart-breaking in its entirety, accurate and true. You’ll find this book often times will give you the urge to cry. In writing this book, don’t be surprised to see faded tear drops here and there, that’s okay because it will make you appreciate this book more. I also hope that you will find the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the honesty of Lincoln, and the bravery of Geronimo in the determination and victory of this Marine. The Author P.S. In my old age, I try not to remember my battle experiences too often, but when I do, you know what? I cry too.

About the Author

Larry R. Cappetto, creator of “Lest They Be Forgotten” and the Author, Fred L. Ward About the Author -Born on a farm 5 miles southwest of Whitesville, Kentucky in the county of Daviess. - Double promoted twice in grade school, two years of high school. - Given my high school diploma upon making an 85 on graduate test given to seniors of this high school. - Two years of college, two years of law school that was finished in 6 months. - I am not a graduate in any field of knowledge pertaining to any specific studies. I do feel I have as much knowledge in the field of nature as any scientist and more than all of those who are not scientists. More years of studies of nature probably more than anyone in the broad sense of nature as a whole. Because you see, I have 79 years of reading, listening, and observing - 79 years of observing, listening, and reading, 79 years of both - that to me adds up to 237 years of experience, that is enough, don't you think?