A Philadelphia Apologetic

by Homer Kizer



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 11/04/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781436317979
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 312
ISBN : 9781436317962

About the Book

What began in the 2002 edition as essays of definition has become a true apology based upon typological exegesis. Paul argued that the invisible things of God, even His attributes, were knowable by the things made. He also argued that the physical precedes the spiritual. As such, circumcised Israel functions as the revealing shadow of the Israel that is circumcised of heart. So A Philadelphia Apologetic is, ultimately, an argument for ancient Israel’s Passover liberation and exodus from Egypt functioning as a shadow and type of the second Passover liberation of the Church from indwelling sin and death.

About the Author

Born in Indiana in 1946, Homer Kizer graduated from a small, Oregon coast high school, and entered Willamette University at sixteen. He was declared an emancipated minor during that school year. He transferred the following year to Oregon Tech where he entered the Gunsmithing program in 1964; he opened a gunshop near Siletz, Oregon, in 1967, relocated to Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula in 1974, and began writing fulltime in 1979. Kizer has a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing from University of Alaska Fairbanks, with post graduate work in English and Art at Idaho State University.