Red Knuckle Storyteller

Poetry Of Real Street Life

by Dale Kruper



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 25/06/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 81
ISBN : 9781436342216
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 81
ISBN : 9781436342209

About the Book

About the Author

Dale Kruper was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta Canada, as an only child to Gerry and Dianne Kruper. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was shuffled through the Foster Care system for most of my childhood years and by age 14, took it upon myself to head out on the road of life. My journeys have led me from East Toronto, to Lower Main Winnepeg, Boyle Street Edmonton, 7th Avenue Calgary and finally Lower East End Vancouver and Surrey. Throughout my journey, I have experienced a world no less than HELL in every aspect; from drug addiction, poverty, crime, and scornfull societies to homelessness and with deepest regret, folk who have basically just given up on themselves and life all together. Growing up as an addict myself, now in recovery, I have always been in a position or should I say have been permitted to enter these dark and dingy crawl spaces where no one in there right mind would have entered or wanted to enter for that matter. And for that I am grateful, for in my journeys, these were the places I was accepted and welcomed with open arms. All of my poetry is based on true-life experiences and some of it may be shocking to some or perhaps second nature to others. To those readers who have never known how the streets really function and how these people strive with unity in conditions most wouldn’t send their dog into and are able to manage as a community and look out for each other in such poverty and life’s wreckage of their past, I hope to shed some light. My wish is for you to comprehend just how good some people have it, and that their petty indifferences hold no precedence to those raised with the only opportunities that were available to them, a life of addiction and poverty.