Land and Seed

The Old Testamemt: Foundation to Fulfillment

by Lewis Eldridge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 04/12/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 449
ISBN : 9781441592996
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 449
ISBN : 9781441592989

About the Book

For every difficult word of the Old Testament derived either from the unpronounceable names of people or the generational lineage of Abraham's seed and the complexed name places of the land they occupied, Land and Seed, copyright @ 2009, simplifies towards Christological revelation. If you assume the land to be analogous to the human heart by either physically being a haven for wealth that is mined from within it, livestock, a haven of wealth on top of it, or plants, edible and inedible, which serves as a combination of internal and external proceeds from the earth, it becomes a powerful approach towards Biblical interpretation and understanding. For example, the cedars of Lebanon were used as wood to build the Jerusalem Temple during the days of antiquity. The precious metals of Arabia, in the form of silver and gold, were brought to Solomon in Jerusalem by the Queen of Sheba as homegrown gifts. One of the many lambs from the sheepfold of Bethlehem was selected each year and brought to the high priest in Jerusalem as the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the people of Israel. Those people and things divinely appointed by God was annointed with the oil from the Mount of Olives. The land of Israel was also filled with wilderness, deserts, and valleys. Moving from the realm of the physical to the spiritual, the human heart has many places, some light and pleasant filled and producing positive thoughts and experiences; others dark and unpleasant filled and producing negative thoughts and experiences. Consequently, Land and Seed, copyright @ 2009, makes these analogies for you based on the history, generations, and experiences of Abraham's seed leading to Biblical interpretation, bringng each reader to a spiritual understanding of their own heart, as well as the dynamics of the human heart, spiritually.

About the Author

Lewis Eldridge was born and raised in Los Angeles, California; received his Associate in Arts from West Hills Community College in Coalinga, California; his Bachelor of Arts in History from California State University at Fresno, California; and his Master of Divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, California. Lewis is the author of Land and Seed (copyright @ 2009).