Revealing My Soul

by Rochelle R. Alfred



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/05/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 151
ISBN : 9781450072977
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 151
ISBN : 9781450072984

About the Book

This book was written only through the grace of God. Every word has His essence running through it. God has given me an incredible gift, to be able to share and express who I am through my writing. Every poem I have ever created was during times of emotional despair and misuse through other people. My only outlet was pouring out my heart in poems. If I didn’t have this gift, this wonder for words I believe that I’d be in a much different place and despair would have over taken me. God in His infinite wisdom is very wise and has given me a way to release negative feelings. This book has been a long awaited dream of mine coming to fruition and I pray that it encourages every reader to follow their heart to see their dreams manifested as well.

About the Author

I was born Rochelle R. Alfred. Raised in Syracuse, I am the middle child of my three siblings. Growing up wasn’t an easy or happy affair. But from the strength & love of my brother and sisters and through grace of Almighty God, we got through. Since I was a child I had a passion for words, loving to read and write. As I became an adult I realized that I could channel all my emotions into my writing. Weather it was good, or bad times, I had a way to truly express myself and the kind of person I am always growing and striving to be. What I would desire from everyone to take from my life and from this book is to always have faith, love and to never, ever give up.