Paper Pen Poetry

by Patricia E. Hamblin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/08/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 73
ISBN : 9781453544907
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 73
ISBN : 9781453544891

About the Book

I have always found it to be easier to put pen to paper when I express myself. Hence, poetry for me is a release or a haven depending on how I mean it at the time. For months now, I have mulled over the idea of putting this book together. I have finally attempted to do just that. Putting this book together has become more of a life journey for me because my poems were written at different stages of my life. There are poems about being a daughter, a young bride, a new mother, a college student, a grandmother and, unfortunately, a widow. Some of my poetry might be seen as depressive but these poems are also telling a story of the many detours and dark alleys I encountered and tried to avoid only to end up confronting them as best I could. However, in all of my journeys, I had my poetry. The earliest poem, The Passing of An Indian, I wrote when I was around twelve years old and the latest one, Suffering, I wrote about a month ago. I have not saved all of my poems over the years but this little book contains a collection of many of them. I currently live in Bellevue, Nebraska. I am the mother of five grown children and the grandmother of twelve. Patricia Hamblin

About the Author