Falling in Love 101

A Probe Into Intimacy

by Edward F. Caldwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/12/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 103
ISBN : 9781456836610
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 103
ISBN : 9781456836603

About the Book

One of several purposes for this memoir "Falling in Love 101" is to address the issue of "intimacy we have with ourselves, with our own bodies (and its parts) and the prospect of intimacy with others. This little book is also an attempt to mount a kind of sexual curriculum- especially for young people, and others who must "wait" for the marriage part of life. Intimacy for many of us is still fraught with queasiness, awkwardness. To indulge in any kind of sexual activity for most people (!!??), many people (!!??) some people some of the time, brings great ecstatic pleasure! Of necessity, we take a hard look at intercourse, with all its sexual stimulation, erratic behavior,and other intracacies. Woven together are biblical, literary,historical commentary,on the theme, and of how in some instances the specifics of Christian revelation in both theNew Testament and the Church are not as helpfull as we would like them to be. This treatise is also the beginning of a fanciful folk tale,launched by the author's own "folk."

About the Author

The Reverend Edward F. Caldwell, now 84,has been for many years an Episcopal Rector, parish priest, whose ministry has spanned the country, with church positions he has held in the states of New York, Indiana, and Washington. He has been active in renewal movements, which, in the last 60 years have found fresh ways to expand traditional ministries and commitments, including Cursillo, Faith Alive, Marriage encounter, and the Charismatic Fellowship. He is a widower, and enjoys not being to far from his four children and four grandchildren. He lives near Syracuse, New York.