General Darling

by Walter John Trowbridge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/10/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9781479730636

About the Book

This is a romantic novel involving an American soldier who “separates” from the Army in Bordeaux, France, and bikes and autos through Norway to the North Cape with three different girls. He falls in love with a sixteen year old Norwegian girl with whom he “honeymoons” in a little Tyrolean chalet. They rejoin their friends in Vienna, but get caught in Budapest during the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 when the Russians counterattack. Sixteen years later as a major in the Army he is reassigned to Europe and encounters each of the women again. He reignites his affair with the Norwegian girl who has now matured into a beautiful woman but is married unknowingly to a secret ex-Nazi SS officer. They run from the woman’s husband, but during the Oktoberfest the major is shot and dragged behind the “Iron Curtain“ for interrogation. The novel has a climactic ending.

About the Author