My Ego, My Soul, My God

Correcting the Perception of Separation from God.

by Rev. Dr. Mushtaq Jaafri



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/05/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781984577610

About the Book

DO YOU: • Sometimes Have Trouble Making Sense of Your Life? • Wonder Why Its So Difficult to Find the “Right-Person” to Love You? • Find Balance, Joy, True Security and Love …in…Life? This book describe a new, all encompassing ‘three-part’ framework which kelps put your thoughts, feelings, and actions into perceptive. It contains a timely message entrusted to Mushtaq Jaafri, by God telling him how anyone could overcome pain, suffering, struggle and conflict we face in life and to set us free? Get the facts first hand. This message from God is for all Christian and Muslims and Jews of the world. Author became quiet well-off by applying techniques. Get your proof first hand. With this framework, anyone can understand how we, human beings, function, and why we often do the perplexing things we do. This book describes a path anyone can use which can leads to gradual surrender of your Ego to God. This is a process of your emotional and spiritual growth which gently and gradually helps you to develop and become aware of yourself as Soul not just, in theory but a daily living reality. Jaafri discovered this secret and used it for 40+ years and received from God everything he desired, wanted or imagined. Mushtaq Jaafri also believes that our current educational system is failing us because the primary focus of the contemporary schools is mostly on the acquisition of the ‘book-knowledge’ only acquired from out-side of us and not through any ‘spiritual-knowledge’ from inside of us. Jaafri offers an educational system bases on the acquisition of ‘Spiritual-knowledge’ from inside of us that could reduce time spent in contemporary schools from twelve years to less than half. Amazing secrets revealed. Results guaranteed. Act now! You’ll be glad that you did. Author Guarantee it.

About the Author

Rev. Dr. Mushtaq H. Jaafri is a Pakistani native and a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. He was born in Sialkot City in Pakistan. He came to America in order to acquire higher education. He earned a Master’s degree in communication and a Doctoral Degree in the Science in Metaphysic. He is the published author of seven books (available at: This latest book My-Ego – My-Soul – My-God was written through a revelatory experience in which he apprehended the truth about the Perception of Separation from God—and how to correct this by applying the three thoughts system. The theme of this book is that people are like ghosts. They seem to think what they want to think. It looks at ego’s plan and shows how it pulls this off? It’s a true story based on author’s 40+ years living on the experience.