Battling Addiction, Bondage and Temptation

The War Between the Flesh and The Spirit

by Darrian T. Cobb



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 03/12/2020

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781664142985
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781664142992

About the Book

In Darrian Cobb’s book “Battling Addiction, Bondage and Temptation: The War Between The Flesh and The Spirit” are the practical ways to beat any type of addiction and bondage that you may be struggling with. Whether it be to a substance, a habit, an activity, unwanted thoughts, anxiety, depression, fear or failure, Darrian wants to inform his readers that no matter what they may be going through that God loves them, sees them and has a purpose for them. It is Darrian’s heart and passion to use his testimony to point other people to Jesus. In this book throughout majority of the chapters, Darrian includes his own personal struggles to make the reader comfortable and to ensure that the reader is not alone in their feelings or struggles. To get the most out of this book, you should set aside some time each day to focus on the God who loves you and cares for you. Do not put your focus on your current struggle, what you have been doing or what you’re currently even addicted to. Instead, focus on your freedom that you will obtain if you read this book and apply it to your life, the new habits/hobbies that you will pick up on the way and your testimony after you do come out of this victorious. Everybody has a story and a unique purpose in this world even when things do not look or seem right. Are you ready to go on the path? “I hope and I pray that you hear the voice of God and feel the Spirit of God through my testimony and the words that are in this book. If you are reading this it is no coincidence. You were meant to have this book in your hands or on your coffee table. God has made you for a purpose and you are not an accident nor too far gone. I pray this book ministers to your heart and points you to Jesus. I am praying for you.” — Darrian Cobb.

About the Author