The View From My Wheelchair

An Irreverent View of My Life with a Progressive Neurological Condition

by Ted O’Hare



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/06/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9798369492512
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9798369492505

About the Book

This is a tale of my observations and experiences of living with a progressive neurological condition. The story is from a mildly humorous perspective, in general; however, some aspects are not amusing but are addressed here as well. The book discusses several areas of living with and managing the condition and looks at working, socialising, travelling, driving, impact on family, and the reaction of people needing to interact with people in wheelchairs. There is quite a lot of information available about living with a disability, but most of it is from a medical perspective and while factual, is more geared towards an academic understanding of the condition. This book is attempting to be more focused on what works for me and allows me to do the things I want to achieve, with the assistance of my family and within the limitations of my condition. Ultimately, life is good, and people are generally well meaning and helpful, and this tale celebrates the beauty I have experienced from people I have known, those who know me, people I have worked with, and from complete strangers.

About the Author