Scents of Humor: A Collection of Poetry, Wit and Wisdom

A Collection of Poetry, Wit and Wisdom

by Patrick W. Simonds



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 13/03/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 205
ISBN : 9780738847634

About the Book

Every good poet loves a play on words, and P. W. Simonds is no exception.  Scents of Humor captures those ephemeral whiffs of amusement that waft through our everyday lives.  Need a smile?  Just look around you; there are plenty to be had.

P. W. Simonds penned Scents of Humor during his twelve years as contributing poet for The Burleson Star newspaper in his hometown Burleson, Texas.  The poems represent slices of life told in narrative verse that is sure to bring a smile from readers both young and old.

P. W. gives this example of the inspiration for the poem The Way Gossip Gets Started:

“I was extremely unhappy with my employer for transferring me to the small town of Burleson, Texas.  I had grown to love the hill country around Georgetown where my wife Eloise and I had spent most of our married life.  As we drove through the neighborhoods looking at houses, we came upon one where each street was named for a kind of tree:  Elm.  Oak.  Pine.  Then, suddenly, Judith!  I laughed aloud and instantly my foul mood vanished.  What was poor little Judith doing alone in the woods?  Sometimes it only takes a simple thing to change our outlook.  That’s what I’ve tried to do with my poetry.”

About the Author

P. W. Simonds was contributing poet for the Burleson Star for more than twelve years. He was honored with the Golden Poet Award in 1989 for his poem Leftover Cowboy. Mr. Simonds lives in Burleson, Texas, and dedicates Scents of Humor to his beloved late wife Eloise.