Ancient New World

A Journey Across Medieval America

by Jim Woodman



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 15/03/2001

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 287
ISBN : 9780738852942
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 287
ISBN : 9780738852959

About the Book

Ancient America's earliest legends reveal a remarkable story of benevolent, bearded White Gods who came from the east to found the New World's earliest societies. The arrival of these mysterious, medieval strangers remains the ancient New World's greatest unsolved riddle. That they existed is no longer debated. What remains unsolved is who they were, and whence they came.

At the dawn of history, these fair skinned, blue eyed strangers suddenly appeared from the direction of the rising sun. In the Andes they were called Kon Tiki, Viracocha, Bochica, and Tunapac. In Brazil their names have come down to us as Sum‚ and Pay-Tome. In Mexico they were Quetzacótal and Kukulcan. They all arrived in America by sea, some sailed the Caribbean, others penetrated the great river systems, and all went ashore to dramatically impact native America.

While the wakes of their ships have long since vanished, an extraordinary, ancient trail still survives blazed with their ancient inscriptions. Explorer Jim Woodman has found and followed that shadowy pathway from the coast of Brazil, across South America's Gran Chaco wilds, to the unexplored eastern Andes. His remarkable journey confirms ancient legends, and has led him to an immense, lost world where the bearded travelers became Gods, their women the Amazons, and their realm an incredible kingdom in the clouds.

Can there really be a last, lost kingdom in the untracked eastern Andes? Does an endless succession of forgotten cities lie within Amazonia? Is there an entire ancient new world still awaiting discovery? Jim Woodman will convince you the answer is — yes!

About the Author

Jim Woodman has authored a wide range of travel and adventure books published worldwide by Doubleday & Pocket Books (USA), John Murray (UK), H. Bertlesmann (Germany & Japan), and several other foreign language publishers.