Baby Girl

by Sami King-Wente



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 1/08/1998

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 149
ISBN : 9780738800790
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 149
ISBN : 9780738800806

About the Book

On Halloween night, Jersey Masters shoots and kills the father of her child.  Detective Spencer Phillips, of the San Diego homicide divison, needs to know why.  He is drawn into this case like none before, partly because of his niece's own trauma.  The mystery deepens as Det. Phillips tries to ascertain the whereabouts of the child.  But, answers only lead to more questions for him.

Does Jenna Miller even exist?  Yes, her father came to San Diego to claim his daughter.

How can a woman and child live in a neighborhood for years, and no one knows them?  Jersey Masters successfully runs her own public relations firm. She is capable, focused, not a fractured, hopeless victim.

Where is the little girl, now? Jersey goes to jail rather than divulge Jenna's whereabouts.

Has Jersey harmed her child in some way?  Phillips' partner certainly thinks so.

For four weeks, Spencer chases the truth about Jersey Masters and her child.  And, when at last he meets Jenna, the truth breaks his heart.

About the Author

Sami King-Wente has been writing fiction, since age 12. She loves a mystery and can't keep from writing them. She is currently working on a third novel, entitled "A Brilliant Disguise."