Where is George Washington Now That America Really Needs Him

by William Harwood



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 27/08/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 506
ISBN : 9781413460889

About the Book

On July 1, 2003, America’s unelected pseudo-president, George W. Bush, announced that he was cutting off all military aid to 35 countries that supported the International Criminal Court, set up in 2002 to try war crimes, because those countries refused to sign an exemption guaranteeing that no American would be tried for war crimes. When one country, Senegal, did sign Bush’s blackmail demand, the president of the International Federation of Human Rights denounced it for doing so. But Bush’s decision to place America above international law was not as incomprehensible as it seems. Bush has been indicted for war crimes in more than a dozen countries. Once out of office, unless Americans are exempt from prosecution for war crimes, he will be unable to travel anywhere outside of America without being arrested and handed over to the International Court. He has to preempt such a possibility, for the same reason Adolf Hitler would have tried to exempt Germans from prosecution on the same charge.

About the Author

William Harwood Ph.D, M. Litt. (Cambridge), is the author of Mythology’s Last Gods, co-author of Hypnotism Then and Now, and the editor/translator of The Judaeo-Christian Bible Fully Translated. He is a member of the editorial board of Free Inquiry, and a Senior Writer of American Rationalist. He has written over seventy articles for F.I., A.R.., The Humanist, Humanist in Canada, and a dozen other periodicals in seven countries. Before settling in Canada, Dr Harwood toured Australia, New Guinea, Fiji, Bermuda and the USA as advertising manager for three hypnotic stage shows, including one that became a household name in Canada. Between shows, he obtained graduate degrees from universities in Canada, England and the USA, and spent eight years as a teacher. He is, as Isaac Asimov used to say, in his late youth, and is between marriages (isn’t everybody?). He has one daughter and two grandchildren. Dr Harwood’s first book, Mythology’s Last Gods, based on his doctoral dissertation, was published in 1992.