Handfuls of Purpose

Helping our Daughters Seize and Embrace their Destinies

by Zebedee King



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/03/2010

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 243
ISBN : 9781462817085
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 243
ISBN : 9781450056298

About the Book

Any season of life is the right season for love and purpose. Ladies, are you frustrated with going-nowhere relationships? "What am I doing wrong?", you may be asking yourself. Are you waiting on God for the man of your dreams? What does it take to position yourself for Mr. Right? Are you tired of the Game? Then it is time to follow the Plan, God´s Plan for relationships--the Plan that leads to purpose. The book, "Handfuls of Purpose", takes the reader on a journey through various seasons in the lives of three ordinary people—Ruth, the widow from Moab, Naomi, the matriarch of Elimelech’s household and Boaz, the wealthy landowner from Bethlehem-judah. While each has his/her own set of circumstances to navigate in order to fulfill God´s purpose in their individual lives, by the end of the book, the reader discovers how the destinies of these three coalesce and reveal an extraordinary, composite Divine plan greater than each could have realized on his/her own. Find out how Ruth redefined herself by leaving her old life and in doing so, seized an opportunity for new life, a new love and a new legacy. Follow Naomi’s tearful journey which, although oftentimes fraught with tragedy and perplexity, eventually culminated in a rediscovered purpose and renewed hope. Note the steadfastness of the humble husbandman Boaz and how the traits that he had developed through a lifetime of patient maturation helped him to become the best choice as a husband to Ruth as well as a fitting heir to an enduring legacy. This book will not only delight you with its simple narratives, but it will also challenge with its poignant, hearty commentary and inspire you with its deep spiritual insights. Aditionally, many readers will be able to relate to the amazing testimony at the end of the book (Section 5). "Handfuls of Purpose" is A MUST READ for mothers, daughters, friends, girlfriends, best friends, aunties, nieces; single and married who desire to have successful relationships that honor God and promise a lifetime of peace and purpose. Testimonials: One reader writes, "This truly is an amazing book - I highly recommend it to everyone, male and female. Ladies, you´ll be inspired, encouraged and educated without the feeling of being preached to. This is a "must-read!" Another reader remarks, "I started reading your book last night and could not put it down. I am hooked on your book. It is a very good book to read. I love it!" Still another reader, when discussing the book´s potential marketability exclaims, "...Your book is that good and I am proud of you!" Other laudatory comments about the book: * "I was totally blown away" * "...a masterpiece..." * "...awesome..."

About the Author

Zebedee King is currently an information technology trainer for a large international corporation. He is an Air Force retiree whose career began as a Russian linguist and finally concluded in the areas of communications, computers and network defense. He and his wife Linda have been blessed with two children, and have recently become grandparents for the first time. Zeb is also an ordained minister. He received his calling to teach God’s word at a very young age. Born into families in which faith was the order of the day, both Zeb and Linda have been heavily involved in all facets of ministry, especially in the areas of teaching, mentoring and people-helping. Their love for God and their passion for bringing out the best in God’s people remain the driving force behind their ministry. They have occupied themselves with writing several articles on relationships for a Christian women’s magazine and for years they have conducted leadership conferences and marriage seminars and retreats. They currently lead a couples’ small group within their local assembly in San Antonio.