Seeking the Promised Land

Portraits of the Chancy Clothier Family

by Grant M. Clothier



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 22/11/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 251
ISBN : 9781465320667
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 251
ISBN : 9781413463019

About the Book

Chancy Clothier was born near Buffalo, New York, in 1818, left home when he was seventeen and began a forty-year odyssey across the wilderness of frontier America. He, with his family and close friends, established the Missouri Settlement on the banks of Peace Creek in central Kansas. These stories describe the hardships encountered and the ultimate triumphs of these hardy pioneers. Although it is the story of one family, in a larger sense it is a tribute to all those who experienced similar difficulties in settling the heartland of our great nation.

N E W S ! N E W S ! N E W S !

Dr. Grant Clothier´s book, Seeking the Promised Land, won the coveted Trophy Award for Best Non-fiction Book in 2004 at the Oklahoma Writer´s Federation, Inc. Conference on Saturday, April 30, 2005. The event draws professionals from writer´s groups across a nine-state region, to Oklahoma City for this annual meeting.

About the Author

Dr. Grant Clothier, award-winning educator and author, was born on his grandparents’ homestead in the central Kansas community of Peace Creek. He served in World War II and the Korean War. During his educational career, he developed a nationally recognized urban teacher-training program and contributed numerous articles to education and other journals. After retirement he revived a long dormant interest in family history, culminating in a collection of stories related to the westward migration of his ancestors. He now lives with his wife, Patricia, in Prairie Village, Kansas where they share common interests in family history and writing.