by Cynthia Monet



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/09/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 331
ISBN : 9781469106243
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 331
ISBN : 9781599261256
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 331
ISBN : 9781413498110

About the Book

An earthquake rocks Southern California, damaging Parker Memorial Hospital and the neighboring Simfact genetic research lab. That night, patients suffer critical lung symptoms and the medical staff claims the nurses spread bacteria from a patient’s wound. As the disease spreads, those with chronic illness or risky life-styles are dying, and bioterrorism is feared. When NIH and Centers for Disease Control specialists take siege of the hospital, the medical brotherhood begins to crumble. In the worsening crisis, a nurse’s stubborn search for truth jeopardizes her life and others before illegal and unethical medical practice reaching far beyond PMH is revealed.

About the Author

Cynda Monet has extensive experience in healthcare and publishing. On faculty in a major California university system, Cynda has a rich background in hospital nursing, management, and trauma settings in California. She is listed in multiple Who’s Who citations, including Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare. Cynda believes it is vital to bring the color and conflict of healthcare workers and their relationships alive in her stories. DANGEROUS TRUST is Cynda’s 2nd full-length healthcare suspense novel in a series, with CONTAMINATED first in the series, published in 2005.