An Anthology Of The Christian Bible Volume I

by Carl L. Sweat Jr. D.Min M.Div MS BS



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/12/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781436387934
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781436387927
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781469107967

About the Book

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29 NIV). As we ponder the question, “Do race, color, and religion matter?”, we find that the initial response of many is “No.” If in fact, the reader accepts that everything the Creator has made was good, then one can acknowledge without reservation that race, color, and religion have a beneficial existence. If the reader can recognize that there is a plan and purpose for all things, then without exception one must admit that race, color, and religion have a purpose on this earth and are ideal instruments of God. Race, color and religion are deeply intertwined within the life of mankind as well as with the Creator. They exist as gifts dispersed among humanity for the purpose of diversified beautification. They were destined by the Creator to be used in the fulfillment of His plan for the population of the earth and His plan of salvation. Race, color, and religion serve as indicators of chronological time and are useful in the study of eschatology. They serve as indicators of the three phases of human development: the “Physical Phase, the “Spiritual Phase,” and the “Intellectual Phase.” They are also preordained factors of life for various reasons. Some of these reasons have been revealed to humanity; the others may not be known until the return of Christ. If you are a person who believes that these three factors do not matter, you must read this book. If you are a person who believes the Christian Bible can be studied without consideration for race, color, and religion, your understanding of the Holy Scriptures is both incomprehensive and inconclusive. Through this book, your eyes will be opened to a new awareness of the glorious and magnificent works the Creator has done and is doing. This book provides a better understanding of the proclamations declared throughout biblical history. Also, you will be presented with an anthological survey designed to enhance the study of the Christian Bible with a focused consciousness of the topic. Let this book serve as a sobering experience and a lesson that race, color, and religion truly matter."

About the Author

Often when the terms modern, progressive, and revolutionary are used to identify a Christian writer or religious thinker the initial thought of the reader is the person has broken away or severed oneself from traditional biblical ties. Fortunately, this is not the case with Dr. Carl L. Sweat, Jr. He is one of the boldest prolific present age thinkers and writers. He is acclaimed for his theological and philosophical accuracy. The intensity of his research explores how extraordinary the fundamental principles of God can be when applied to the topic “Inability to Love and be Loved” Dr. Carl L. Sweat, Jr. is marked by unusual intellect, talent, a great capacity for doctrine, seriousness of purpose, and appreciation for lifelong learning. Rest assured that the concepts you receive in this book are practical and logical. Dr. Carl Sweat, Jr. is Pastor of Laurel Hill United Church of Christ, a congregational setting of Christendom. He is the author of Why Are Women In The Ministry?, this is an exciting and informative book; A Cry for Ethical and Moral Strength, a realistic, practical, and objective approach to positive Christian living; and Race, Color, and Religion Matter, an in-depth analysis of how race, color, and religion are destined by the Creator to be used in the fulfillment of His plan of salvation. Dr. Carl Sweat is the Coordinator of Paul D. Camp Community College at Smithfield. He is the Chairperson of Practical Reasoning. Also, he is a professor in the field of Religious Studies. The diversity he offers each reader is a B.A. with a minor in Urban Affairs, Virginia Union University, M.S., Central Michigan University, M. Div., Providence Theological Seminary, D. Min., Providence Theological Seminary and an Honorary D.D., awarded by the United Christian Institute. Enjoy reading Dr. Carl L. Sweat’s progressive approach to addressing the issues and questions associated with the topic “Inability to Love and be Loved.”