Plagiarizing My Thoughts

by R.J. Ridgely III



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 13/08/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781436344531
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781462819461
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781436344548

About the Book

In my own battles of life, which is to be my experiences, I have only attempted to behave in a manner that best symbolizes my self. Those who have influenced me have allowed me to comprehend the essence of their attributes and flaws. Although the contents of these pages are simply thoughts, I ask you to receive them in the context in which they are so heavily entrusted. Isn’t the thought the first step in any choice? The thought equals an occurrence, which catalyzes us all. For every frustrated thought is the extension of happiness. We become frustrated when our quality of life is threatened. We must not leave behind the freedom of our choices, and if we have been given that right and responsibility, we shall remain aware that we are obligated to those who so bravely fought their own battles to bestow that gift. If at any point in reading my poems, you infer, I admire you. I am eternally grateful that you are able to share in plagiarizing my thoughts. So let us begin. R. J. Ridgely III Circa—whenever you read me

About the Author

About the Author R. J. Ridgely III was born and raised in Carroll County, Maryland. He graduated from Towson University by following his dream to mimic his favorite teacher, Mr. A. After six years as an elementary school teacher, he chose to branch out and secured a job with the federal government. He resides with his wife, Amanda, and three cats (Buddy, Suzzie Q, and Karma) in Westminster, Maryland.