Seamore the Seagull

by Frank R. Jarnot



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/08/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781483686165
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781483686172

About the Book

A red color sun rose lazily out from the Eastern horizon, casting its early dim light upon the calm waters of the ocean Bay marking the beginning of a new summer morning. The warm sun rays slowly mixed with the cool air abandoned from the night before, inspiring a gentle breeze to start blowing towards the land. Seamore, a young seagull, had his head tucked under his warm wing when he first felt the gentle sea-breeze ruffling his feathers. He sleepily peeked out from under his wing at the bright new morning sun and thought to himself, "How good it feels to be awakened by a gentle warm breeze," comparing his thought and memory to some of the cold winter mornings he had experienced in the past. Seamore was perched on the top of an old wooded dock piling where seagulls normally stand or 'roost' when sleeping, he had one of his legs tucked up and pressed against his warm body to protect it from the chilly night air. He then slowly stood up from his perch, shook himself vigorously, ruffling his feathers, stretched his wings out widely, and then gave a loud screeching "SQUACK!" sound from deep within his throat which broke the morning silence, and startled some seagulls across the bay. Seamore was like all the other seagulls you may have seen at the beach. He flew around the Bay most of the day searching for things to eat. But, there was one thing that made Seamore very different from all the other seagulls. Seamore WAS AFRAID OF THE WATER!!!

About the Author
